Integrated Modalities To Unlock Every Area of YOUR Life

We offer Gene Keys and Human Design as layers to increase your depth of understanding what unlocks you and brings fulfillment, flow and ease in both your being and doing. Whether you begin with our flagship unlocking programs and products (Purpose Art, Unlocking books and/or programs, IKIGAI programs), the Gene Keys and Human Design modalities are a great next step to begin to play with and embody the keys you unlock through your lived experiences.

What is Human Design?

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. It provides you with simple yet effective tools to enhance your life, reducing confusion, stress and resistance. It is essentially your own navigation tool.

There are 5 sources of wisdom that inform your human design that is drawn from your date and time of birth:

  • Western Astrology
  • Eastern Astrology
  • Kabbalah/Tree of Life
  • Chakras
  • I’Ching

Combining these sources of wisdom, which were imprinted on major days in your human development are keys to unlocking your conscious and unconscious patterns! As Purpose Peeps we speak about how we are as unique as our fingerprint, now we begin to understand what was imprinted in our DNA.

Human Design reveals:

  • Your Personality Archetype
  • Your Personal Strategy – Your Custom Way of Responding and Being With Life
  • The Major Themes In Your Life
  • Your Channels of Strength
  • Your Sources of Openness (Can Also Be Sources of Confusion Without The Perspective Or Understanding), and more!

Remember on the home page I shared, I sit at the intersection of purpose, strategy, spark and results. Well, discovering Human Design and studying my chart unlocked both the accuracy of that purpose clarity and the areas where I can get stuck with a lens to understand my patterns.

Get YOUR Human Design Chart Here

What Are Gene Keys?

Gene Keys focus on the I’Ching area of Human Design. The same spheres in Human Design tell a different but complementary story in Gene Keys. Gene Keys focus on the way the spheres tell the story of your Genius, Love In Action and Prosperity and Well-being. This is quite relatable to the IKIGAI For Resultants and IKIGAI For You Programs. The intention of Gene Keys is for you to unlock your answers over time through contemplation! It is the perfect partner for our programs and our core values of self-empowerment, agency, care and #inclusiveperspectives.

Through Gene Keys you will:

  • Unlock Your Keys of Core Stability
  • Unlock Your Patterns of Challenge (Yes, there is a pattern and it is FOR your growth)
  • Unlock Your How The Different Parts of You Work Together
  • Unlock Your Path To Realization of Your Gifts Through The Seed of Its Shadow Expression

Gene Keys and Human Design are powerful transmissions of insight that open doors to deepening understanding and compassion for yourself and others. There are also opportunities to unlock your relationships with yourself, others and with the planet. Start with unlocking you and share the keys with others in your life.

Being in a relationship with life as a purpose partner that is for YOU even in times of doubt, confusion, struggle or challenge, changes your life at a DNA level. Fall in love with your blueprint, your design, and your journey and do not settle for mere acceptance or existence. You are here, right now for a reason and your part is necessary to heal humanity through both your being and doing.

Dena Wiggins
Purchase YOUR Human Design & Gene Keys Session
FeatureYour Trifecta Path To Purpose
With Gene Keys
6 Human Design & Gene Key
Sessions Your Way
Unlock Your Life Experiences*
Unlock Your Unique Energy Blueprint*
Unlock Your Inclusive Understanding of Different Energy Types
Unlock Your Strategy For Decision Making *
Unlock Your Patterns of Conditioning*
Unlock Your Agency Through De-conditioning
Unlock Your Channels of Strength*
Unlock The Elements of Your Core Genius*
Unlock Your Keys To Relationships*
Unlock Your Keys To Prosperity & Well-Being*
Unlock The Journey of Your Prime Gifts*
Unlock The Key To Your Breakthrough*
Unlock The Purpose of Programming Partners
Unlock Your Core Stability
Unlock Your Evolution/Pattern of Growth
Unlock Your Path To Holistic Prosperity
3 – 90 Minute Sessions*
6 – 60 Minute Sessions
* Your Choice In How To Spend Your 6 one-hour Sessions requires a free 30-minute consultation

Unlock your keys to purpose and wholeness. Engage in the intentional practice of exploring your keys to meet life differently. Experience self-acceptance and expand your heart to embrace and accept the uniqueness of others.

Unlock YOUR Intro To Human Design & Gene Keys in the Unlock Your Keys App (preview modules in Unlocking As a Practice)