14 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: Is There a Journey You Could Take Without a Map?

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

Adobe Spark (19)


Could you take a journey without a map? Before 2010, my answer would have been, no, after all my business is Success By Planning.  But then I surrendered to a new experience of being a student in life and I learned an alternative answer.

When the student is ready, the teacher arrives.

2010 began my most significant period of change.  Change came in every part of my life and shifted what I thought was the core of my identity.  Initially, I thought the changes were to me and not for me.  I thought that the changes were unrelated.  Ultimately, I thought the changes were my undoing.

Over time, instead of so much thinking, I began to ask some big questions.  I am a person of faith, so my sincere asks, or prayers were at first polite questions.  The more the pressures of life intensified, the less polite my questions were.  My questioning moved to the heart of my circumstances.

The responses to my questions were nudges to take inspired action.  I learned the definition of inspired action by experience.  Because I was so conditioned to plan, it took faith steps of inspired action for me to move just because I received a prompt and not a full plan.  And none of the inspired action steps resided in my comfort zone.

As this exchange intensified–surrender to sincere ask to an inspired action response–I began to see a pattern.  I ended up doing things that energized me and served others.  I ended up in the right place at the right time to meet opportunities and other people who I really resonate with.

Because of my experience, my programs begin with sincere asks as a reset before setting intention. Transformation requires shifts and without being surrendered to an emerging direction, it is easy to believe you are transforming but it is really just redressing something that still lives in what you are called to transform from.

I can not say exactly when it clicked, but one day I realized that there is a path to purpose and it is a journey that I can not plan but rather surrender to it.  I realized that I am traveling to fulfillment and each time I make decisions and move in alignment with what is being revealed about me, I felt fulfillment.  I felt joy. I felt peace. I felt belonging. I felt purposeful. I was impactful on the path to purpose, I did not have to wait for arrival.  This is how I learned that purpose unfolds.

What is interesting about a journey like this is that I did not have to seek external validation. Honestly, when I tried, it did not work! Because there was no prescribed map, I got to have my own experience to understand what makes me tick, to understand my drivers and to gain clarity about what is most important to me that is a part of my unique blueprint.

Now when I view existing maps from other travelers sharing what they are learning and have the honor of creating some from my experiences, they are viewed through my transformed outlook.  This was one introduction to a new outlook leads to new results.

This is how my ongoing journey without a map appeared in my awareness.  Oh, and there is also a part of journeying without a map that is beautiful and transformative in the creative process as well.  In this process you kind of have an idea about where you are going but you tap into something greater and your idea becomes something so much more than you could have anticipated.

Sounds like the beginning to a great story!

What is your answer? What is your experience with journeying without a map? I’d love to know.  Please engage in the comments.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in BusinessShop A Life of Purpose® Products.


12 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: New Outlook, New Results

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

Adobe Spark (18)

Every year I receive a download that sets the tone for the year.  It’s not one thing, message, event or idea but rather a combination of things that leads to my reception of the mantra.  It becomes a voice that I hear that guides my thoughts and actions for the year. It’s different from a theme word or tag line, it is more directional.  I use it as a litmus test for what follows during the year.

This year it is…

New Outlook. New Results.

The message began to unfold by January 2! My daughter took some photos of me performing Step 2 of the Unlock! Me Review. And I saw the truth, my truth.  My last working session of 2017 was with me.  I completed a process that provided a new outlook based on seeing 2017 through new lenses.  This new outlook positioned me for new results!

When I am in flow, the inspired action that I take always leads to more that surprises. Do you experience this too? It fills me with gratitude.

Wow! First, I experienced the Key of Insight operating by seeing the patterns at play during 2017 beyond the events  that provided a new outlook about the year.  In addition, I gained clarity about the role 2017 (what I perceived as good, bad, neutral or without a box) played in transitioning to 2018.  Third, I received the gift of affirmation through my mantra for 2018, New Outlook, New Results.

Did you see the movie The Shack? One of the most riveting scenes was when Mack was working in the garden (representing living and learning through life).  From Mack‘s view it looked like a mess, there was a lot of movement but he had to trust that it was purposeful.  Then there is an aerial shot and the we see that the mess is actually an intricate and beautiful garden!

I want you to engage. Register for my gift to you of the Unlock! Me Review and have your experience in gaining a new outlook to position yourself for new results.  I would love to hear about your mantras for 2018 and how they developed.  Add a comment below.



Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in Business.  Shop A Life of Purpose® Products.


11 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: Questioning Unlocks Purpose

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

Adobe Spark (16)

Asking really big questions is a master key to unlocking purpose.  Yes, it’s true.  Now the big deal is who is answering.

One of my big ahas on my path to purpose is that purpose is a journey and not a destination .  If you read the book The Alchemist, the hero’s journey is the purpose journey to personal legend.  It takes a personal journey to arrive at purpose that we all hold and yet require life experiences to shift, to see and recognize it.

It was Santiago’s dreams under the sycamore tree that unlocked purpose.  His recurring dream left questions.  Questions unlock purpose.  The path to purpose requires curiosity and willingness to move in inspired action and have purposeful experiences.

In the story, one of the first questions that unlocked Santiago’s journey was from the daughter of the merchant, “why are you a shepherd when you can read?”  It is feeding  curiosity that serves people on the path to purpose.  It is a good question that sparks.

If the merchant’s daughter told Santiago, “you should discover what you can do with the thinking you’ve amassed,” or “why don’t you get a different job, shepherding is not for you?”  It could have been a completely different result and experience for Santiago.

One way that life taught me this truth was my experience during a strategy session.  We hired a great industry consultant to lead the session and yet the session shifted when he began to tell the team strategic answers rather than trusting them to find them.  The interesting thing is that his answers were good.  But it was the team that needed determine its own answers.

Sometimes we have the right answer for someone but the best result is for the person to journey to his or her answer.  The breakthrough may be one good question away.

I left this session questioning, how could this happen? We had the right resource, he was deep in knowledge and well liked by the team. The answer was in the approach.  An extractive approach unleashes the powerful answers because the facilitator trusts the person or team has the answer the question is how to support the path to the answer.

As you explore resources on your path to purpose, look for the ones that meet your big questions with tools and questions that support your inquiry.  They will give you space to have your version of purposeful experiences and determine your next best step.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in BusinessShop A Life of Purpose® Products.


3 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: Purpose Surprises!

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

Adobe Spark (15)

Happy New Year!  Welcome 2018!

Do you remember the viral picture of the kitten looking into the mirror and seeing a lion? Great picture!  People resonate with of possibility.  To me it reflects what I am learning about purpose–it surprises!

The difference between the kitten and the lion is its path to purpose!  This is the most simplistic explanation of the path to purpose.  It is on your path to purpose that you will be surprised at the shifts and changes required to transform from your right now to your future self.

One of the best teachers of this concept is Derek Rydall in his book and programs The Law of Emergence.   He uses the acorn and oak tree as an analogy of our potential.  Every acorn has the possibility within it to become a mighty oak tree.

What lives between the acorn and the oak tree is its path to purpose and all of the surprises, shifts, growth spurts, pruning and flourishing.  Can you imagine the surprise and delight of the acorn when it is just following its purpose path and catches a glimpse of its transformation to the oak tree?

Can you imagine the surprise of the kitten who one day roars and never experienced a roar before?  That same surprise and delight happens when we take inspired action just because we recognize the nudge and it feels right.   Before we know it,  we’re behaving like our future self because it was always in us.

To have your experience with the Unlock! Me Review click here.  It is my gift to you to extract the last 12 months and to be clear about what you will take with you to leverage in 2018.

Happy 2018!


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in BusinessShop A Life of Purpose® Products.

1 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: Intend Purpose!

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

Adobe Spark (14)

Happy New Year!  Welcome 2018!

Intend Purpose!  Start with your intention to have purpose experiences in 2018.

When I completed my Unlock! Me Review, it became wonderfully apparent that what we intend is powerful.  I know this and yet I had a deeper experience of this just watching how my year unfolded.  When my intentions and words, what I spoke, were in alignment, the miraculous occurred!

Join me in intending purpose without an expectation of what it will look like. Just that you, me and all the Purpose Peeps (everyone) continues the path to purpose into 2018. Period. That is enough.

One of our Purpose Peeps asked how to get started, how to align with purpose.  My response is to intend purpose.  Expect purpose. Expect to have your personal experience with purpose. Expect to have purpose continue to unfold in your life this year. Expect for your experience to be different because you are not the same as this time last year. Expect to be aligned with resources to build in your awareness and experiences.  Then, breathe, watch and respond with inspired action.

To have your experience with the Unlock! Me Review click here.  It is my gift to you to extract the last 12 months and to be clear about what you will take with you to leverage in 2018.

Happy 2018!


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in BusinessShop A Life of Purpose® Products.