Spark Notes: The Promises of Purpose – What are your purpose promises?

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The Promises Lens of Purpose

cross pollination of purpose

A promise is an assurance.  One can count on a promise.  When considering our purpose, the journey to connect with our purpose and the courage to take action and live out our purpose; knowing assurances is an anchor.

Why Faith Tradition?

My grandfather was a wise man who almost lived to be 100.  He taught us, “if you want to know how something works, go to its creator.” In addition he would say, “if you want the best understanding, go to the source.”

My faith tradition is at the core of who I am.  As a resultant, one who is focused on fully realized purpose, I agree with my grandfather and I go to my Source.

Knowing that I was created with a specific plan in mind lends sacredness to my path to purpose journey.  This sacredness allows me to trust, be in surrender, and to journey without having a map because I know one exists for me to tap into.

As a Conscious Follower of Jesus Christ, there are many biblical promises about purpose, here are several of my favorites:

  • Jeremiah 29:11:  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
  • Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.
  • Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this,  He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
  • James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

In addition to my favorite scriptures, there are many stories of purpose in the Holy Bible that are relevant today.

Why is sacredness important on your path to purpose?

Our path to purpose can be challenging.  Many experience the sheer excitement and bliss when we consciously witness purpose operating in our lives.  And as we move from awareness into practice (remember the process in the process), we face some decisions that support stop, start and continue activities to move forward with our purpose.

Imagine some of the decisions Dr. King made to live his purpose. Can you imagine having a strong suspicion that your days were limited and yet pressing forward? Dr. King is an outstanding example and teaches the principle of being pulled by purpose or your unutterable fulfillment.

We do not have to lead a revolutionary movement to have challenges that expand us. When the requirements of purpose:

  • move us out of our comfort zone,
  • cause us to exchange our long-held false identities for the authenticity of who we are,
  • make shifts and boundaries in relationships,
  • cause us to take stands that may change perceptions,
  • call for unpopular decisions and perspectives,
  • change lifestyles

what will you rely upon to anchor you while you are expanding?

Think of every hero’s story, there is always a cross-road when the heroine makes a shift that pivots the story.  Our assurances and promises that continue to speak and guide beyond the sacred text can be leverageable!  As results-oriented Purpose Peeps, we extract and leverage.  When we offer our sincere asks from a place of love and humility and they are answered in a personal and intimate way that is beyond our understanding of possibility, it is a treasured gift.

In my most candid video (warning it’s a long one) I talk about a Divine Download (something miraculously appearing in my awareness) I received and am actively unlocking–being a soul having a human experience.  It reminds me of the scripture Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and set you apart.” Wow, God knew my soul before I was formed as a human being.  Who better to connect with about my purpose as a human being than the One who formed me and knew me as a soul?


What promises or assurances about purpose anchor you on your path to purpose?  Please share your experiences.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose & Resultant

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

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