24 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: The Resonance of Purpose – What is your vibration?

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

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The Resonance Lens of Purpose

cross pollination of purpose

The resonance of purpose speaks to the vibration you feel or sense when you are on your path to purpose.  The resonance of purpose is a trusted guide that is an informal litmus test–yes or no, stop or continue, good for me or not.

Resonance is not a function of thought, it is a deeper knowing that is felt.

Resonance is a key to unlocking intuition.  When we vibe with a person, place, thing or idea, we trust that it is for us even if how it is for us is not revealed in the moment.  The Key of Trust works nicely with resonance because we may not fully understand what is next on our journey to purpose, resonance affirms where we are and the direction we are headed.

What is interesting about resonance is that it teaches us our frequency.  If you think about frequency like tuning into a station on the radio, our frequency comes in loud and strong.  It is music we like and can relate to.  Conversely, when we are not on our frequency, the vibration and sounds have static and we find ourselves adjusting trying to get better sound to make the frequency work.

I have met amazing and diverse Purpose Peeps through resonance.  When guided by resonance, something sparked my curiosity and I pursued it through information and Purpose Peeps to understand more.  Over time these experiences combined to form clarity about my next inspired action or the communities that really jazz and inspire me.

Resonance is gift and powerful tool when learning about what truly makes you come alive.

What are your experiences with resonance on your path to purpose?  Engage. Share below.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose & Resultant

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in Business. Shop A Life of Purpose® Products.


23 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: The Uniqueness of Purpose – What is your unconventional quirkiness?

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

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The Uniqueness Lens of Purpose

cross pollination of purpose

I love all of the lenses of purpose and yet uniqueness is one of my favorite.  This lens of purpose leads to freedom.  And yet it can be a challenging journey to really access it.

One of my mentors guided me through a transformative exercise where I exchanged my old language for new language based on words that authentically sparked me.  Two words that individually jumped at me were unconventional and quirky.

Being on the path to purpose allows an intimate relationship with authenticity.  Some time later while working with a client, I had a new experience with these words.  As I supported my client through shedding layers to get more clarity into her authenticity, she realized the very things she was trying to hide were the very things that were her strongest tools in her toolkit.

My client completed the I Am Not My Story Exercise in the Unlock the Keys to Success Personal Journey and gained insight about her uniqueness.  Her uniqueness, or unconventional quirkiness is one of her keys to success.  She was not consciously leveraging her uniqueness because she was still responding to some old messaging about conforming.

Your uniqueness is your signature.  Your uniqueness is your calling card.  You can be in a room filled with like-minded, similarly talented Purpose Peeps and your unique stamp sets you apart.

Embracing our uniqueness is the silent demonstration of the essence of living life fully.  It is part of the purpose equation. 

Uniqueness could be steeped in personality, style or perspective based on your experiences. The more we tap into the uniqueness of purpose, we let others (personally and professionally) know that they are in a space of trust.  As Purpose Peeps, trust is a requirement to have impact as we serve in our area of purpose.



Dena, Your Sister in Purpose & Resultant

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in Business. Shop A Life of Purpose® Products.


22 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: The Passion of Purpose – What are you passionate about?

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

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The Passion Lens of Purpose

cross pollination of purpose

I remember hearing the story of a famous athlete who discovered his purpose through the passion lens.  His Mom told him to come in from practicing basketball when the street lights came on.  One day, the street light did not come on and when his family found him it was in the twilight hours.  He completely lost himself in the sport.

What is it that you do that causes you to completely lose track of time?  If there were no barriers, how would you spend your time just for the love of what you are doing?  Previously, we spoke about the process in the process being awareness, practice and mastery.  What is it that you practice without reminders, or a goal or a plan?

Another way to approach passion is what you will take a stand for.  What gets you out of being upset to taking action or committing to finding solutions?  What is it that your close friends and family say, “oh here she goes again?”  What moved you from a rant to a declaration of, “Enough!?”  The opposite of what made you proclaim enough is what you will stand for.

Sometimes when we answer questions from the same frame of reference, we get the same answers.  The Unlock! Me Review is my gift to you to bring insight, knowledge and purpose through 3 simple steps.  These steps allow you to see your life through different perspectives by unlocking the pattern of the stories in our life and the meanings we make of them.

Some people just know when it comes to purpose.  Some have a purpose lens experience and arrive at an answer about purpose.  Most of my clients have a multi-faceted experience with purpose that allows it to really click for them.  They are looking for an inside out purpose experience that requires disrupted patterns to really gain insight that lasts. Whatever your desired result, own it and engage in your version of your path to purpose.



Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in Business. Shop A Life of Purpose® Products.


21 Jan, 2018

Spark Notes: Is purpose a cross-pollination of ideas?

Introducing Spark Notes, notes to spark conversation within ourselves and with others.  Join the purpose conversation.

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The first time I had a spark experience in strategy and planning was with a cross-pollination strategy experience.  The brilliance of this strategy is that the strategy was multi-faceted.  There was a leading driver for the strategy but there were legs that supported it.

The Cross Pollination #key2success strengthens by creating multi-faceted thinking, innovation and solutions.


What does cross-pollination have to do with purpose?

I came into a deeper understanding of the Key of Cross Pollination on my path to purpose.  While engaging in my knowledge-based purpose diet, I read Choose Yourself by James Altucher.  In the book, he talks about building your idea and innovation muscle through the idea machine.  As a daily practice he suggests reading from different texts and jotting down ideas to practice with our awareness that we build value through the unique solutions we provide.

What would happen if we cross-pollinate the path to purpose with the idea machine?  Perhaps our path to purpose requires a combination of different ideas about purpose.  Perhaps our path to purpose is as unique as the person.   Perhaps the more we cross pollinate great ideas about purpose, the more we serve ourselves by activating our idea machine to generate our purpose solution.  Perhaps this is why the voracious appetite for knowledge is required on the path to purpose.

The first person you serve with your purpose is YOU. You then have an authentic brand and solution to share with others by bringing the full expression of you.

cross pollination of purpose

My experience with the intersection of the Key of Cross Pollination and Purpose are several lenses on the path to purpose (in no order but to spell out the word purpose):

  • Passion – What am I passionate about? What will I take a stand for?
  • Uniqueness – What is my source of unconventional quirkiness?  If I were in a room filled with like-minded people, how would I stand out?
  • Resonance – What does it feel in my body and spirit when I am on the path to purpose?
  • Promises – What are the promises about purpose from my faith tradition?
  • Oxygen – What am I doing or being that brings life, source and energy to my life?
  • Spark – What sparks me? What makes me come alive? What are my life defibrillators?
  • Experiences – What do I uncover when I review my life experiences from the lens of purpose?

Juicy questions, right?  I am jazzed just thinking about my experiences with these lenses.  It was and continues to be amazing.

This week we will unpack each element of the Cross Pollination of Purpose! I developed the Unlock! Me Review as a free offering to unlock our thinking and the stories we tell about ourselves and life.  Sometimes when we answer questions from the same frame of reference, we get the same answers.  The Unlock! Me Review will is my gift to bring insight, knowledge and purpose through 3 simple steps.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in Business. Shop A Life of Purpose® Products.


23 Dec, 2017

Announcing the Release of Unlock! Me Review: 3 Steps to Unlock Keys to Your Success

Before the Vision Board Party, the New Year’s Resolutions and the fast track to 2018, take stock, review the past year and extract your keys to success to leverage in 2018 and beyond!

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2017 was a significant year that impacted everyone.  With such a pivotal year, it is a great time to check in.  2017 allowed us to experience ourselves and others in new ways and many of us discovered or are on the path to discover what we will take a stand for.  Pivotal times are times to extract new insight, knowledge and purpose, which is the calling card for an Unlocking experience.

The Unlock! Me Review and the output of your Keys to Success is my gift to you to:

  1. Extract meaning from such an important year, or any time you need to squeeze the sponge to make space for receiving new insight, knowledge and purpose,
  2. Have a personal experience with a skinny version of my Unlock the Keys to Your Success & Turn Them Into Results™ extraction and leverage model, and
  3. Ultimately, to support you in gathering your keys to impact.

Your keys to success are your personal toolkit to leverage while on your path to purpose.  Life supports you in identifying these keys and giving you opportunities to have intentional practice with them moving forward.

Register here for your FREE online program valued at $99.


Dena, Your Sister in Purpose

Dena Wiggins is a transformational author and consultant.  She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. She supports individuals and systems of individuals in extracting insight, knowledge and purpose to leverage into Galvanized Results that spark, excite and move into action.  Stay connected, join the conversation, take inspired action.

Learn more about Unlocking The Keys To Your Success Personally and in BusinessShop A Life of Purpose® Products.